Sunday, July 6, 2014

Welcome To My Home

 Ellen: First thing first, I have to say that I am honored. I was a bit confused when I was      contacted. I thought I was on the list of options for interviewers.

Nicki: Nooooo. No, no, no. There was no list. I knew who I wanted. When I realized that this project would be a go, I knew immediately. Like it might have been creepy actually. I smiled, looked up, and said...... Ellen.

Ellen: I love it. I am again very honored to be a part of this. I feel like I deserve it.

Nicki: Ellen, don't you start.

Ellen: No, because I put in the work for this. All the gifts, the invitations to my show. I mean you only accepted like three out of thirty but I guess-

Nicki: Ellen you did not invite me on your little show no thirty times. Don't you-

Ellen: I bought you all those gifts. I dressed as you for Halloween... and a couple of other days for no reason but uh-

Nicki: You know what, Ellen? You get on my nerves. You- you are- this is why I chose YOU. This is why I wanted you. Don't toss me into boring interviews. Don't trap me with someone that will make me be like you know what? I'm done. It's over. Cut it short and figure it out. That wouldn't have worked.

Ellen: On a serious note, I had no idea that it was a full project. I thought I would be doing a couple of interviews. An interview with you all on a personal level and a fun interview in front of a live audience. I had no clue that I would be packing up a week's worth of clothes and going to boot camp- I mean your house.

Nicki: I'm going to let you slide with that. Just for now though because I'ma get you later. But you know, I thought this could be fun. This could be interesting. This could be different. But only on my terms. Only if we could do it my way and with who I wanted. That's the only way this could work.

Ellen: This will be different.

Nicki: This will be another level. It all started at this meeting where someone threw out the idea and I didn't like it at first. I didn't like the approach of the idea. All I heard basically was reality show. I don't want to be like every other celebrity. Even the shows I've agreed to in the past, it wasn't like any other reality show that's scripted and set out to be this drama filled show to bring in ratings of the wrong attention. I'm open to sharing my world, but how I want to. I want to show that I am real. I am more than a celebrity to the world. I am a wife to someone, I am a mother to someone, I am a daughter to someone, a sister to someone, a friend, I am a human being. I have to balance my life just like anyone else.

Ellen: And you're going to show us how you manage to do that.

Nicki: Yes. They mentioned bringing cameras in my home and I was like ugh bleh or whatever but after going home and thinking about it, I came up with some strange idea to bring in someone I don't mind sharing this part of my life with. I wanted to be comfortable with what was going on. You're perfect for that. You're genuine with what you do. So it turned into this whole project of interviews with myself, my family, my friends, joining me in being a part of my everyday life for a week, no scripts, nobody telling us what to do or say. Just capture my world. It took a few meetings and a loooooot of changes but finally it got to that point where they got a smile out of me and I was like alright, deal. Let's do it.

Ellen: And here we are.

Nicki: Here we are.

Ellen: Sharing your life with us. You ready?

Nicki: I'm ready.

Ellen: Alright, this post interview is my favorite part. You know I requested this part, right?

Nicki: Oh, word?

Ellen: Yeah, this is how I'm going to test the waters and see what I'm getting myself into. Judging by your answers, I have all rights to tell them I'm done. I'm not going into this crazy lady's house for a week. Here's your interview. I already cashed the check so you can't get that back.

Nicki: You know what Ellen?

Ellen: I got to choose my own questions.

Nicki: I did that but whatever.

Ellen: I tossed in a few of my own after you approved them so yeah whatever.

Nicki: Ohhhhhh

Ellen: I know just how I want to start this. Positive you're ready?

Nicki: 100. Let's go.

Ellen: How is your relationship with your mom and dad?

Nicki: Awesome. I've always been a cling to mommy type of gal so it only gets better. As far as my dad, growth is still playing its role. I'm blessed for that.

Ellen: What do you love about motherhood?

Nicki: Everything about it. Every single thing. The good, the bad, the stressful, the extravagant, the downfalls, the rising again. I love it all.

Ellen: Can we get into those?

Nicki: Sure.

Ellen: Okay, which one do you want to start with?

Nicki: You choose. I'm following your lead, Ellen.

Ellen: Let's just go with the order you threw out. The good.

Nicki: The happiness it brings. You know what's funny is when I first found out I was pregnant, I was afraid. I cried.

Ellen: What was scary? Giving birth?

Nicki: No, I knew there was about to be a lot of change. Having to adjust to major changes scared me. I have to get things right. That's just how I am. With everything in my life, I have to get it right. So I wasn't afraid of birth or anything like that. It was just the thought of this new spin that was about to shift things. Now when my baby boy came along, it was pure happiness. I was so in love. It's the greatest love of all. Someone is depending on you. You are the big deal to this small little person. There's absolutely no better feeling. Absolutely not.

Ellen: So what's the bad?

Nicki: The bad which isn't really bad but it comes with the territory. Kids are kids. They get into things and you have to teach them, mold them, and make sure they have good manners, morals, and you don't have to worry too much when they're older. You did your part when they were learning, and when they are older you have to let them go by what they've been taught. So it hurts to come so hard at them while they are young, but at the same time you have to teach them to understand the whys and why nots. They act out at times. They have little nasty attitudes at times. They get into things. In those moments, I have to step up and be stern. It's bad when I'm the one to wash the smile off my babies faces. But that's a part of giving the proper raising.

Ellen: The stressful.

Nicki: Nothing is more stressful than your baby being sick. As a parent, you can only do so much. I still have to get used to that. I don't know how to handle watching my baby sick. You have to depend on nature to take it's course. There's the medicine, the remedies, the doctor visits. It's just so- ugh, I can't stand it. I wish it was as easy as kissing it away, but it takes much more.

Ellen: You said extravagant. That's an interesting word. I never would have guessed that would be one of the words in the description.

Nicki: Yeah.

Ellen: Let's get into that.

Nicki: The parties, the sleepovers, the play dates, the camping, the adventures. They are always so excited to have adventures. It's the best, I swear. Watching them run around, using all of their energy playing hard, and next thing you know they are sprawled out anywhere they drop snoring like crazy.

Ellen: Do you watch them sleep?

Nicki: Yeah.

Ellen: That's weird.

Nicki: I'm weird, Ellen. But even they watch me sleep sometimes.

Ellen: The kids watch you sleep?

Nicki: Yeah, I wake up every now and then and they're right there staring.

Ellen: Just right there?

Nicki: Yup. Leaning on their little hands staring right at me.

Ellen: They get that from you, I'm guessing.

Nicki: Yeah, that's one of my things.

Ellen: Would you mind having more kids?

Nicki: No. Not at all. I want an old fashion family. I want to leave behind like a football team. I'd definitely have more.

Ellen: So you'd jump right into that?

Nicki: Well with the right timing though.

Ellen: Oh okay. So you won't be going home tonight and hitting the clock.

Nicki: Noooo. Not tonight.
Ellen: You got a favorite child?

Nicki: Yup.

Ellen: So honest. No one ever answers that but you just did and quickly.

Nicki: My favorite child is whoever is doing something for me in that moment. Munchkin let's me have some of his juice when I'm thirsty, my favorite. Papa picks something up for me when I don't feel like reaching, my favorite. Baby fixes me lunch when I've barricaded myself in my office and lost track of time, my favorite. I don't choose favorites. I just I don't know, I favor them all. If that makes sense...

Ellen: How was it being pregnant with the girl vs the boys?

Nicki: The only difference to me is my first pregnancy really. It was new to me so things were more intense. I was learning. The second and third, I felt I had it down. I was good. Oh, you know what?! I did have cravings while carrying India. I didn't do that with the boys. That's strange.

Ellen: Were you moody?

Nicki: No, I don't think so. I can be moody anyway so it wasn't like I can blame that on the pregnancy. If I was, that was just me.

Ellen: What's the most challenging part about pregnancy?

Nicki: Well I don't know. Nothing was really too challenging about the pregnancy itself but if I can speak on a challenge during my pregnancy, it would be breaking my little munchkin from his spoiled ways. And when I say I spoiled him, I mean I spoiled him rotten! Sheldon is the opposite of Caleb. Caleb was always so independent even from the beginning. The only problem I ever had with him was when he knew if mommy was going to the studio, she would be gone for a while. He didn't like that. I felt bad for that too so when I had Sheldon, I put work on hold. I didn't want to do that again. I tried it. I didn't like it. I stayed home and played mommy so with Sheldon I was always carrying him and doing stuff that Caleb was too independent to let me do for him. It's like he wanted to be the one to help me. Sheldon is my little shadow. So it was very hard to break his spoil habits like walking under my legs, wanting me to carry him or pick him up, and the most heartbreaking one was laying on my chest. That really hurt me because I had to put a stop to our bonding gestures because I was afraid that he didn't understand the importance so he couldn't be careful with me. He couldn't just climb on me and plop down on my chest like that anymore. He couldn't walk limb to limb clinging to my leg anymore, you know? I couldn't risk tripping up. It was hard but it had to be done.

Ellen: So I'm listening to you talk about how you put work on hold when you gave birth to Sheldon, how was that different from Caleb? What brought on that change?

Nicki: Oh my God, thing is I was still trying to work. I had to learn how to work that out. When I look back on things, I didn't like the way I went about trying to balance family and work. I think I did good but I think I could have gone about it a better way. When I had Caleb, I was still trying to hold my title as hottest hype in rap, doing shows, recording, traveling. It was alright because I had help. I have supportive people. It's just that I missed things that might not be a big deal but it's a big deal to me. Just simple things. And I hated not being there when he was at his prime. He was always so full of life and excited about everything and I think that's why little simple things were major in my eyes. It was so astonishing to him and that made what was so huge in his little eyes huge in my eyes. It got to the point where I would only hit the studios at night because I know I'm not missing anything when he's asleep. He's not missing me because he has no clue mommy isn't there. I would put him to bed, go to the studio and hopefully get enough accomplished so that I am home just in time to greet him because he's an early riser. I had to do that because it's easy for me to get tied up in the studio.

Ellen: So you worked around his sleeping?

Nicki: Yeah. Yeah, most definitely. It wasn't like that in the beginning. I had to switch things up. When he hit the mommy look, look mommy phase, I knew I had to calm down with work. Because I already experienced that, I changed the game plan when Sheldon came along. I scooted music to the side and focused on other things. I'm not just a rapper. I'm a business woman. I took to things that could be handled at home or brief meetings. Things that didn't take so much from me because though I am the face, I'm also behind the scenes. I didn't have to step away from my babies much. If I wanted, I could bring them along. This works better for me.

Ellen: How long was it before you began missing music?

Nicki: Oh, it wasn't long at all. That's just- that's my thing. That's what I do. I missed putting music out there and watching my fans spazz. That's who I did it for. They knew it was more to me though so it wasn't so hard. Anything I do, they support me. So it's not like we lost that bond. We just picked it up and bounced around with it. We do it together. We conquer together.

Ellen: Can we touch on your businesses? How does that work? Do you just think of ideas on the spot or are these things that were on your mind for a while? I always wonder about that when it comes to you because you are kind of spur of the moment random.

Nicki: Both, actually. They are things I may have thought about in the past and it just turns into something else when I really sit down and think on it. Ideas come from every direction and just form into this big empire right before my eyes. I get with the right people, we brainstorm, we get paper and pens, we sit down and we just go from there.

Ellen: How do you balance family and work? Is that hard? Because as I'm listening to you, I'm getting it that you seem to have everything under control.

Nicki: I do, I really do and if I don't, please believe Safaree does. So it all works out. I have a great, reliable partner and that's all it comes down to in the end. Everything I touch, Safaree is my partner. We're in this together whether it's family or work so it's always good. Family first, home is where it all lies. You can't go out trying to build anything if you don't even put in the effort in holding down your home. We worry about home first and everything else falls in behind that.

Ellen: I like that.

Nicki: It's the honest truth.

Ellen: Talk to me about marriage.

Nicki: Oh wow. Marriage is one of the strongest tests in life. I learned a lot of lessons and I cherish every single one.

Ellen: You remember how this particular relationship started? Oh look at your eyes. They got kind of big there.

Nicki: I bet they did.

Ellen: I triggered some memories, huh?

Nicki. Many. Many, many, many memories. But you know... it just happened. It's crazy to even try to explain. You know how they say your lover should be your best friend? I literally ended up with my best friend.

Ellen: And it worked out.

Nicki. Yes. It started off rocky, I'll admit that right now. It started very rocky but we got it together.

Ellen: Can I dig?

Nicki: That's why we're here.

Ellen: What is it that attracted you to Safaree?

Nicki: Okay, this is going to sound very cliché... but it's the truth. The very second his name rolled off of your tongue, I already had my answer front and center. My attraction to Safaree came from him always being there for me. Always. No matter what. It's been like that since not too long after we met. We just had that click, that connection, like we just synced to one another. Anything I was ever going through, Safaree didn't just listen and nod and twist things around about him. He listened and he uplifted. When I worry about something that hasn't even happened yet, he listens and supports. Whatever I want, need, gave more than a minute of thought towards that appeared to be interest, he'll make it happen. Even if he doesn't agree, he will go along with it because he knows it's something I once wanted. Like even if I back down on it, he will be the one to bring it back up. To have someone like that, it's a blessing. I've learned that. That was one of my life lessons actually. Someone like that cares. They care. He brings that out of me. What he is for me, I want to be for him. So it's deep. It's really really REALLY deep. I feel like he will never leave my side. I love that man. That's the biggest attraction, I promise. It's knowing that when it's all said and done, whatever, whenever, however, he will be there for me. That's what makes me look at him everyday and just be googly eyed.

Ellen: That's so sweet. Speaking of sweet, what's one thing that annoys you about him?

Nicki: Oh my God, most definitely when he is stingy with his pillow.

Ellen: His pillow?!

Nicki: Yeeeees. I be sleeping so good then goes and breaks my sleep when he pulls it away.

Ellen: Well Nicki it's kinda... his pillow.

Nicki: I know, I know. But I don't know.

Ellen: You know but you don't know?

Nicki: I just somehow always end up on his pillow. I think it's because I roll over to sleep under him and if he's turned the other way, I will just find myself scooting.

Ellen: So you just scoot right over to his side.

Nicki: Yeah, I'll scoot til I'm on him and that's how I end up all over his pillow. It kind of turned into something else. Now I just have this habit of sharing his pillow. Is that wrong?

Ellen: I don't think so.

Nicki: I don't think so either. I don't think it's wrong to want to sleep so close to him. He said something bout it?

Ellen: What?! Huh?

Nicki: The look on your face.

Ellen: Maybe.

Nicki: I just want to be close to him and be at ease while I'm sleeping. But you know what? Now I see how the kids feel. That's how Caleb is. It doesn't matter if we're on the floor, couch, bed, or whatever it may be, this little boy has to be close to you. He's one of those feely sleepers. He has to feel you and if you make one swift movement, he's following you. Sleep and all. He has this thing where his feet are on you. I used to be like move now. Because I couldn’t make a move or else I'd break his sleep and he wouldn't properly get his nap in. But I get it now. I had to get over it and just deal so whatever Faree said, bleh. Get over it and deal.
Ellen: When's the last time you bought some sexy lingerie?

Nicki: Last week. I couldn't resist. It was really sexy.

Ellen: I was expecting a throwback.

Nicki: I still have my spunk, Ellen.

Ellen: Well now we know.

Nicki: Yeah.

Ellen: I'm sorry I was mistaken.

Nicki: You should be.

Ellen: Was it fun making the kids?

Nicki: Always.

Ellen: Sounds nice.

Nicki: Do you have fun?

Ellen: Oh, look. The next question is a good one. What's the last thing you did when it comes to relaxation?

Nicki: I had girls day.

Ellen: Do you have those often?

Nicki: Yes, my ladies always kidnap me. I'm just fortunate to have people in my life that look out for me. When I'm pushing it, I have people that take it upon themselves to take control and force me to have a break.

Ellen: Its great having the right people surrounding you.

Nicki: Definitely. So do you?

Ellen: What?

Nicki: You didn't answer. Do you have fun?

Ellen: I thought I got away with that.

Nicki: Nah. It's getting good now.

Ellen: I'll say it's fun.

Nicki: Yeah?

Ellen: Yeah.

Nicki: Cause you know I'll ask. You dodge me, I'ma take it straight to the source. Come on now, Ellen. We're digging here.

Ellen: Well since we're back on this topic, I can get back to that following question. What's the craziest place you two have... you know?

Nicki: I know?

Ellen: Yeah, you know.

Nicki: The craziest? Hmm...

Ellen: You have to think on it?

Nicki: Yup.

Ellen: You have that many places?

Nicki: We have soooo many places. You get creative when there are kids in the house. We have plenty of hideouts but the craziest... ima go with the shelter. That's the most secure place.

Ellen: Storm shelter?

Nicki: Yup. We create the storms.

Ellen: You go to the storm shelter and come out looking like you just barely escaped a tornado.

Nicki: Sounds about right. But like it's the last place the kids would think to go. Only Safaree and I would hike down the stairs to the very last floor and take that trip. It's not that far, but what reason would they have to go down there? So it's just our favorite place when we don't want to rush or worry about getting caught.

Ellen: How do you dress around the house? Do you get the chance to walk around in something sexy or are you just oversized shirt and jogger pants mama?

Nicki: I do dress down a lot but it's not as bad as you made it sound.

Ellen: So you're not walking around in the granny panties and rollers in your head?

Nicki: Noooo.

Ellen: Do you dress up sometimes just to feel sexy even though you aren't leaving the house?

Nicki: Yes, I do. I can't even lie. I really do that. I like to feel sexy for no reason from time to time.
Ellen: Anything like it used to be? No bra... no shirt...

Nicki: I don't have those days anymore.

Ellen: Not even to leave an impression like the times you came to my show?

Nicki: Nooo. I stopped that a long time ago. You know I used to not care but I have babies now. I don't want my sons to see that. I don't want my daughters to do that. It comes times in your life when you have to check yourself, and I had to check myself on that.

Ellen: Yeah things change when you have kids.

Nicki: Most definitely.

Ellen: So talk to me about discipline. Do you have to discipline a lot?

Nicki: My voice is pretty much the main discipline next to taking away toys. We don't have to be hands on much though. The kids have soft feelings. I don't think they feel spankings. I whoop them and they're teary eyed for 15 seconds. I yell and they're sobbing for 15 minutes. They don't like having their feelings hurt so usually a stern voice is all that's needed.

Ellen: They get into trouble a lot?

Nicki: They're average kids.

Ellen: What's some of the things they do that will get them in trouble?

Nicki: See we are doing this thing now where we find movies that are in series. So if it's multiple movies and I don't find it crazy or whatever, I let the boys have at it. I'm telling you about that because Baby got them the Peter Pan movies. Actually I think she got it for herself but whatever. Anyway one time I heard all this ruckus in the hallway. I get in the hallway and here they are parading around. Caleb has his underwear on his head and Sheldon has socks on his ears. I mean they are parading in circles chanting the song and blowing whistles Faree got them.

Ellen: So they thought they were the lost boys.

Nicki: Yeah.

Ellen: Did you join in? You could have been Tinker bell.

Nicki: I didn't.

Ellen: All you needed was a wand to be a fairy.

Nicki: My wand was a switch.

Ellen: You whooped them?!

Nicki: Sure did.

Ellen: You whooped them for having an imagination?!

Nicki: I whooped them for having an imagination while India was napping. They know to be quiet.

Ellen: Who gets in trouble more out of the kids?
Nicki: Your little buddy.

Ellen: Caleb?!

Nicki: His little hyper butt is always running and jumping around. He moves faster than himself.

Ellen: How is that possible?

Nicki: Exactly.

Ellen: I'll always defend him.

Nicki: That's why y’all are buddies.

Ellen: One of my favorite things is hearing you tell me stories about the kids. What's a time where the kids embarrassed you?

Nicki: Oh my God, let me tell you who is the master of that there. Caleb will always find a way to embarrass anyone. The most embarrassing thing he does though... well I don't think he does this on purpose. I just think his daddy molds him into this little coon. We will go to a restaurant and Caleb has this thing where he orders kool-aid for beverage.

Ellen: Maybe that's his favorite beverage.

Nicki: Ellen, don't you start defending him.

Ellen: Okay, I'll just move on to India. What is India like?

Nicki: India... my little ladybug. She's a very interesting character. Very nosy. Any movement, any noise, believe me, she is on it.

Ellen: Is she a mini Nicki?

Nicki: You know what? Sadly, she isn't. She's a daddy's girl. She acts funny with me. I actually believe she will be more like Baby than me.

Ellen: How's that?

Nicki: She makes these faces Baby makes. It's crazy.

Ellen: But you make a lot of faces. Does she mock you?

Nicki: No, it's not like she's mocking. She does that with me. I make faces and she will be amused. But with Baby, her reactions are the same as Baby's reactions. Like if I call Baby's name, she will slowly lean her head back and squint her eyes as she turns her head to look at me. India squints her eyes when you call her name.

Ellen: Wow. Already being like her big sister.

Nicki: Yeah, she humps her shoulders at random like Baby. She will turn her head slow which is abnormal because like I said, she is nosy. I used to think she was going to break her little neck the way she swings it back and forth. She has slowed down on that. She will just do this weird slow motion exorcist turn that Baby does like whatever has her attention is so hard to take her attention from it to answer us.

Ellen: What's the latest habit she's picked up from Baby? Is there anything new?

Nicki: You know what's funny!? Oh my God, and I can't believe it sometimes. It's the funniest thing. Like what reason would a 8 month old be doing this, but she balls her little fist up and puts it on her chin.

Ellen: Like she's contemplating.

Nicki: Yeeeees. And I just think it's the cutest thing. She will just see you doing something a lot and she does it. She's a fast learner.

Ellen: She's going to be smart.

Nicki: Yeah.

Ellen: What is she afraid of? You mention that she is nosy, does noise scare her?

Nicki: Oh, she's fearless! She scares me. Stuff I'm afraid of now doesn't phase her. Like she will crawl to the edge of the bed and look over. No! That scares me!

Ellen: So she's not afraid of heights like you?

Nicki: Right! That only makes me more afraid of heights. She hears a loud noise when someone slams a door or drop something, she doesn't jump like you would think a baby would. She'll turn and look trying to figure out what's going on. And she's bossy. Oh my God. Don't be holding something she wants, she's gonna push up and just take it. Just like that.

Ellen: Just like that?

Nicki: Like that. I love it though.

Ellen: So she is kind of a mini Nicki.

Nicki: Yeah, I guess she is. She is this mixture of everybody in the house.

Ellen: She'll be quite an interesting person.

Nicki: Yeah, she already is.

Ellen: An interesting daddy's girl.

Nicki: Yeah, it seems to be that way. Sucks but whatever.

Ellen: Jealous?

Nicki: He ain't all that.

Ellen: Which one of your children do you think will be the most like you?

Nicki: You know... I think that they all will take something from me. I think that's how that will go. I believe that they will be one of a kind of their self but have a little similarities from Faree and I but for the most part, they will be whoever they aspire to be. 
Ellen: I'm excited to meet them. Well I've already met them, but I'm excited to get to know them more.

Nicki: I'm excited for you to do so. You ready to hang with us? Think you can keep up?

Ellen: Yeah, this should be interesting.

Nicki softly knocked on the door before leaning on it once again. Hearing no movement, she inched it open and slowly walked in. She walked across the room and made her way up to a sleeping Ellen.


She paused then leaned forward to get closer.

Ellen.” She spoke while tapping Ellen's arm. She smiled softly when Ellen finally opened her eyes. “Day 1.”

It's daytime?” Ellen asked in surprise while looking at the darkness still coming through the window.

Early bird gets the worm.” Nicki patted the bedspread and walked away.

I don't even have birds.” Ellen sleepily spoke to Nicki, obviously speaking half sleep confusion. Nicki snickered as she made her way to the door.

I'll be waiting at the kitchen when you are ready. I don't mean to rush or anything, but asap.”

Nicki pulled the door up behind her and left Ellen staring at the clock.


Do you like blueberry pancakes?”

Love them.”

Good because they're on today's menu.”

Nicki sat the blueberries on the island.

Oh you make them?” Ellen pointed. “I just... you know... buy them already there and pop them in the toaster.”

Nicki and Ellen shared a quick chuckle.

On my late days, I might do that. I don't have too many late starts though.”

Yeah, I see.” Ellen spoke up in reference to practically being dragged out of the bed by Nicki. “So what do you need me to do?”

You know what, Ellen? You're just going to have to move around me a little and help out because I'm not used to this. So... I might run you over a little bit but only a little bit.”

Do I need armor?”

Nicki's laugh was full of life despite her beating the sun.

Okay. Blueberry pancakes.” Ellen clapped her hands and looked around to see where to start.

Only four blueberry.”

Wait. Huh?” Ellen paused where she stood.

I only need four blueberry pancakes and five plain. How many do you want?”

Wait, I haven't even gotten started yet and this is already crazy.”

Nicki moved around the kitchen sitting everything in an order that always helped her stay on track and time. She pulled up two bowls and poured flour into one bowl. Ellen stepped up beside her to take the bag and began pouring in the second bowl. She eased up on pouring and Nicki tilted the bottom of the bag up more.

A little more.” Nicki removed her finger and Ellen went to sit the bag down. “How many did you say you wanted?”

Ellen looked over to see Nicki reaching for the bag again.

Uh, let's just go with two.”

She watched Nicki pour using no measurements then slide the bag back on the island. Ellen leaned onto the island and watched Nicki jump from one ingredient to the next pouring sugar, salt, and baking powder into the bowl.

I can't help but notice you haven't used measurements yet.”

Ellen, I do this.”

Oh okay. I'll just be quiet and stay off to the side while you... do that.”

She continued watching and tilted her head to the side as she got caught up in Nicki doing a smaller amount of everything in the second bowl. Nicki picked up an egg and hit the side of the bowl before quickly hovering the shell over the bowl. The upper half of the broken shell slid down the side and into the lower shell as the yolk poured into the bowl.

Wait. Whoa.” Ellen threw her hands up. “That! I have to try. I'm sorry. I just have to.”

Ellen hurriedly picked up an egg and tried her best attempt at positioning the same as Nicki then hit the side of the bowl. The shell cracked but didn't break. Ellen poked it with her finger and quickly put it over the bowl. “Well that wasn't the same.”

Here, you have to put a little more force into it and don't tilt it. Just hit it right on the side.”

Nicki took a second egg and demonstrated. Ellen watched the same action play out again then went for her second egg.

Alright. Here goes.” She hit the egg on the side of the bowl then threw her left hand under the egg that splattered yolk out of the shell. Nicki clapped while stumbling back a couple of steps.

You know what? Obviously you're a pro. You do this. I give up.” Ellen shook her head from left to right.

You can't give up that easily.” Nicki spoke while watching Ellen walk over to the sink. She went back to finishing up with the last few ingredients while Ellen cleaned up her hands. “Can you pass me the milk, please?”

Ellen dried her hands and went into the refrigerator. “Whoa.” She stared at the products aligned like a grocery store setting. She grabbed a gallon of milk and held it up to look at it then glanced at the next gallon behind it. “Well you have lucky neighbors.”

She walked over handing Nicki the milk and began cleaning the spilled yolk off of the island. When she finished wiping, Nicki was handing the jug of milk back to her. Ellen made her way back toward the refrigerator then looked inside a couple of cabinets as she made her way back to Nicki.

Okay, so what's the thing with the half blueberry, half plain? Does pancake day have it's own routine?”

I cook four blueberry and five plain. One plain pancake for Munchkin. He loves food but he doesn't eat what looks funny to him. Absolutely refuses. Caleb on the other hand loves blueberry pancakes. Different flavor syrups but he will only eat a plain or blueberry pancake. So one plain for Munchkin and one blueberry for Caleb. One of each for Baby. Plain on the bottom, blueberry on the top. Two blueberry pancakes for Safaree and one plain one in the middle. He layers it like it's some kind of sandwich. Then I have a plain pancake for India to play over. Some times she will get through half of it if she's in a good mood. Some days she will just make a toy out of it. I feed her grits anyway.”

Okay, the fifth pancake.”

I usually sit a plain pancake to the side because the boys will question why I'm not eating and I will just eat on that to ease their little minds. Majority of the time, I don't eat.”

Seems you have a lot to keep up with.”

Ellen moved over when Nicki began messing with something else.

Five sausages and seven strips of bacon. Three of each for Faree. I keep him fed good. A strip of bacon for Munchkin. Two sausage links for Caleb. Three strips of bacon for Baby. She'll only eat two and half of the last.”

So what you just break her last one in half and eat it? Cus I'll take her other half.”

Doesn't work that way.” Nicki laughed at Ellen. “She won't eat it then. It's gotta be three. She's gonna eat half of the last one. Nothing less, nothing more. Always the same. Eat half, leave the other half on the plate but Caleb will get it on his way out. I promise you, it's always the same. You'll see.”

I don't think I can even try to remember more of just one breakfast but I'm sure there's more.”

Eggs with cheese for Safaree and only a spoon for Caleb. He's still into the I want to try what daddy tries phase. A spoon without cheese for Sheldon.”

Nothing that looks funny to him.”

Exactly. A hash brown for Munchkin and a bowl of fruit for Baby. Now some times I'll eat fruit.”

Oh so you'll eat that.”

Yeah, I'll eat that. Just a little something.”

Baby's a milk drinker. Glass of milk for Baby, bottle of milk for India, apple juice for Munchkin, orange juice for Caleb and Faree, and a redbull for me.”

How else would you be supermom?” Ellen tossed at the end of Nicki's joke.

Trust me, Ellen. The noise isn't enough to keep me going. It plays a big part in keeping me awake but when I crash next to India for a quick nap while she's down, it's over.”

You always nap when she naps?”

No, half the time I use it to my advantage of getting something done and not worrying about having to balance her in my arms and move around. She's a good baby but she's nosy. She has to be around to witness what's going on so she doesn't have to be in your arms as a spoiled baby. She's just in your arms to make sure she sees everything that's going on. Sometimes I will go to sleep but that's only if I've had a lot going on and I need to get a little energy boost real quick.”

You don't really need my help, do you?”



You'll be in my way more than helping.”

Okay! So I'll just sit over here and observe.”

Ellen sat on the stool and watched Nicki move around the kitchen as if she knew every inch. She backed up and glided around, missing still objects that Ellen thought she would bump. She move things around and tossed things, not missing a target without looking.

What's amusing, Ellen?”


Are you awake now? You're smiling.”

Oh, I'm just taking notes. It's interesting seeing this side of you.”

You've seen me behind the scenes before, Ellen.”

Yeah, but it was really quick. Just a quick hello and catch up then I was on my way. And you were working. Like you were getting your hair and makeup touched up. This is totally different. This is every aspect.”

Well I've fully invited you into my life, Ellen. Only you so you know I love you. Enjoy it all.”

I plan to. I'll become one of the family.”

Great. You can start by doing me a favor.”

Ellen scooted off of the stool. “Don't spare me. Treat me like one of your own.”

Can you go to Baby's room and wake her up for me?”

Just her.”

Yes ma'am. Just her.”

Nicki started on her finishing touches as she watched Ellen exit the kitchen. She glanced at the time while making her way to the stove. She listened to the familiar sounds of her cooking as her pace picked up remaining true to it's routine. She sensed Ellen's presence as she walked back into the kitchen.

She's up already. I guess she's an early bird just like you.”

She isn't.”

She wasn't in the bed.”

Was her bedspread on the bed?”

Nicki glanced back at Ellen who was silent as she pondered her memory.

She's on the side of the bed.”

Huh?” Ellen pushed away from the island confused and walked away again. Nicki sat the meat to the side then picked up the bowl to begin the pancakes. She glanced at the clock once again when she heard India's cry. Flipping the pancakes, she met eyes with Ellen as she walked back into the kitchen.

I guess a mother knows, huh? She was laying on the floor.”

Yeah, that's her little trick. She will move to the floor so that you see an empty bed and assume that she is up already. She's always trying to find a way around something.”

Did you want me to-” Ellen pointed towards the hall. Nicki shook her head from left to right as she listened to India's cry grow louder.

No. She'll wake Safaree. Did Baby get her butt up?”

I told her you sent me to wake her.”

She roll over to face the other way or ball up?”

Rolled over. Is that another trick?”

Not if she didn't ball up.”

I don't recall her balling up.”

Ellen looked towards the hall again as India's cry softened then ceased altogether. She smiled then looked towards Nicki.

Day 1, I'm impressed already.”

Nicki shook her head yes when Ellen pointed at the cups. Ellen got up and headed for the refrigerator. She pulled out the milk and orange juice. She went to close the door when Nicki spoke up.

Apple juice.”

Ellen sat the milk down and reached for the apple juice. She aligned the cups and poured according to Nicki's instructions. She placed each jug back into the refrigerator and leaned against the door.

So when do you get Caleb and Sheldon?”

Baby wakes them before she gets ready. They'll come strolling in after she gets their teeth brushed and faces washed.”

So you have help around here.”

If they do their parts.”

Do they always do their parts?”


Who slacks the most?”

Safaree. He sleeps weird when it comes to noise. Doesn't really annoy him easily. Heard how long it took him to get India?”

Yeah, I noticed. That would have gotten me right up.”

Me too. It takes a minute for his pea brain to process. Even then he will roll over thinking she's in the bed already and she just needs some comfort. One time, he actually rolled over and put his hand on my damn back.”

Ellen leaned over the island laughing at the visual. She followed Nicki's trail to the table and sat down the cups according to Nicki's plate order.

So did he notice it was you and not India?”

No! Not until I cursed him out telling him to get his ass up and get my damn baby.”

So he's the hardest to wake up.”

Not at all. It just takes him a minute. It'll take Baby a lifetime. If she isn't strolling in by the time I'm done setting the table, it means I have to go pry her off the floor. One time, she was tightly tucked into her spread so I couldn't snatch it off of her. Safaree rolled the foot of the spread up good and dragged her into the hallway. She was holding us all up.”


It's the key to holding this house down, Ellen.” Nicki winked then smiled over at Munchkin walking into the kitchen while glancing back every other step. “Good morning, my heart. C'mon.”

Sheldon began running toward the kitchen and collided into Nicki's legs. She bent over to kiss his head while he hugged her legs. “Good morning.” She pulled away to look at him while speaking again. He looked around sleepily. “Good morning.”

Where's the other part of my heart?” Nicki questioned while picking Munchkin up. Caleb finally turned into the kitchen. “There he is.”

She smiled at the way he bounced with every step. She sat Munchkin down in his seat and held out her arms for Caleb. He climbed into his chair and stood up. Nicki gave him a peck on the cheek then broke the hug, patting on his butt. He took the cue and climbed down off the chair to take his seat. He smiled at Ellen while watching Nicki finish setting the table.

You like sleepovers with us?” Caleb leaned on the table and rested his chin on the edge while looking up at Ellen. Ellen took a seat across from him.

Yeah, I like it. You don't mind me sleeping over?”

Caleb shook his head just before shrugging his shoulders. “I just always get new sisters. You like your room?”

Nicki chuckled at the many questions kick off.

Yes, it's nice. I really like my bed.”

It's comfable?”

Ellen looked over at Nicki and laughed. “Yeah, it's very comfortable. I slept like a baby.”

Like India?”

I don't know. Does India sleep good?”

She takes a looooot of naps.”

Sleepy head.” Sheldon joined the conversation.

She's a sleepy head?” Ellen asked Sheldon. He nodded his head. Nicki scooted his seat closer and pulled his plate up. She smiled at Baby finally making an entrance. She mumbled her greeting as she made her way to the table. Nicki made her way out of the kitchen and followed the hallway. Heading to her bedroom, she scanned her mind to remember today's schedule. She ran her fingers through her hair and released a small yawn as she entered the bedroom. She walked up behind Safaree just as he finishing up with India. She leaned into his back and he looked over and down. Nicki kissed his arm.

Good morning, babe.”

Good morning.” He smirked before moving out of the way. Nicki picked India up and laughed when she buried her face in between her breast. “Wake up, sleepy head.”

India moved her head around seeking comfort before she rested still again still buried in Nicki's breast. “You gonna eat breakfast for mommy? Hmm?” Nicki spoke softly to India while walking out of the bedroom, leaving Safaree to get himself together. She stopped in the doorway.

Babe, how long you think you'll be? When do you want me to fix your eggs?”

Go ahead.”


Yeah, I'll be quick.”


So does everyone usually go their own way after breakfast?” Ellen asked Nicki as they made their way through the house.

Yeah, everyone usually splits and take little me time to wrap their minds around today. It won't be too long til things get started around here. They're just going to ponder on what they want to get into today.”

Do you have work today?”

Just going over some stuff. Nothing really. Emails and stuff. The part of work I hate. Sherika comes over for all of that. It's one way I will get that done.”

Nicki paused to look into the doorway she was passing. She threw her arm out and reached behind her when Sheldon's small body bumped her. He bounced off of her leg then looked up. She began walking again and looked down at her nails. Glancing back at Sheldon, she followed the hallway as he moved closely to keep up.

Stopping at the end of the hall, Nicki reached over to grab a set of keys. The keys clamped with another set that hit the floor. She took a step forward and bent down to pick up the keys. She quickly stood up straight when Sheldon bumped her butt.

"Here, babe." She placed her hand on his head and guided him around her. She placed the keys in his hands and bent down to pick up the other set. "You lead, okay?"

"Kay." He spoke softly as he gripped the keys in his hands. Nicki placed the other set back on the key rack and guided him in front of her again. He took a couple of steps then stopped to look back.

"I'm right behind you." She assured him as he turned to take a few more steps before repeating his actions. He stopped at the door and stood patiently as Nicki unlocked and opened it. Sticking to his routine, he lifted an arm up and Nicki took his hand.

Is this a part of his daily routine?"

Yup. He lives for this.”

Nicki and Sheldon held hands as they walked out of the door and he slowly stepped down the porch step while clinging to her leg for balance. Ellen smiled as she pulled the door up behind them and followed suit.

"It feels good outside, huh Munch?"


"You wanna sit outside for a little?"

"And play?"

"Uh huh." Nicki released his hand and not a second later his arms were swinging from side to side as he ran.

"Be careful, babe."

He slowed down and power walked. Nicki smiled softly while watching him on a mission. He came to the mailbox then swung around to see Nicki right behind him. He held the keys up and Nicki took over. She placed an arm underneath him and boosted him up. Guiding his fingers, she helped him unlock the mailbox. He clapped as she opened the box.

Reaching in, he fought to keep a hold on all of the mail. Nicki reached in to give him a hand and he stared at it as she released him. He stood next to her and looked up at her locking the mailbox.
 "Look Munch! Who is that?!"

Munchkin looked around her and looked at the car pulling up. He went to rush to the car but Nicki caught him. He picked up the mail he dropped and grinned at the car.

"Who is that?"


Sherika pulled further in and parked the car then Nicki let go of Sheldon. He took off running towards the car and Sherika hyped him up as she slammed her door and ran around the car shouting out to him. He rushed into her arms and she picked him up.

"I got mail!"

"You do?"

He shoved it in her face.

"Give her all the bills, Munch."

"Y'all can keep all that. I shoulda brought mine over here and dropped them off."

You wanna see them in action on their playground?” Nicki asked Ellen as if she was really in for a sight.

Sounds adventurous. Sure.”

Munch, let's go see if daddy wants to play outside with us.” Nicki spoke catching Sheldon's attention as he and Sherika went back and forth pushing the mail in his hand to each other.

 "License and registration, please." 
Safaree stepped back and squinted through his shades. 
"Yes sir!" Caleb shouted while tugging on the compartment in his car. He finally got it to unlatch then quickly snatched up the envelope. "Here, sir." 
He held it out and giggled when Safaree snatched it from him. Safaree pulled a piece of paper out of the envelope and looked over Caleb's name scribbled sloppily across the car's instruction manual sheet. He pulled the photo out of the envelope and looked at the smiling boy. Looking up at Caleb, he tilted his shades revealing his squint at Caleb who was smiling big like he was in the picture. 
"Alright. I guess I'll let you off with a warning this time." 
"Thanks, sir." 
Safaree stuffed the paper back in the envelope and handed it to him. He stepped back away from the car watching Caleb put it back in the compartment then ride off til his car was straight on the track. He looked to the right and saw Sheldon handing his cup of juice to Nicki. She leaned over taking the cup then watched him struggle to turn car around. 
Safaree pushed his shades back up right and stood in position as Sheldon got help from Nicki turning before he made his way in his direction. He held his hand out signaling Sheldon to slow down and pull over.
"Nooooooo" Sheldon kept straight and attempted to drive right pass his dad.  
Nicki laughed from her bench as she watched Safaree walk side by side with the car as Sheldon attempted a high speed chase. 
"Really?" Safaree asked while literally walking the same speed as the car. "So you refusing to pull over? Hey. Hey!" Safaree leaped forward and jumped onto the car. Sheldon screamed as his dad smushed him into the steering wheel. 
"You gon pull this car over." Safaree turned the steering wheel in the opposite direction Sheldon was turning. The car swerved from side to side and slowed down because of the heavy weight. The car slowly drove into the bushes and Sheldon climbed under Safaree's arm to get out of the car. Safaree pushed up off the car to see Caleb had stopped and turned to watch the action. 
He could hear different laughs coming from everyone. Safaree stood up and turned to see Sheldon running down the track towards Nicki. He crashed into his mother's lap while laughing uncontrollably. 
"We ride to the little trees." 
"I see." Nicki looked up at Safaree walking their way and Caleb driving their way to keep up. 
"Boy, you gon just run like a real criminal in training? Ellen, I think we need to take them to boot camp." 
I don't have to go. I had my license.” Caleb spoke up as he stood up in his car. He bent down then jumped over the door instead of opening it. 
That lands you some time, mister.” Ellen pointed at Caleb. 
Right!” Safaree agreed. “To the jungle gym!” 
Don't have them crawling on the ground, Safaree." 
He whipped around at Nicki's request. Holding his arms out, he screwed his face up as he fought back against her. 
But it's boot camp.” 
Okay well be ready to bathe them before you let them loose around the house then.” 
He smacked his lips and looked over at Ellen before waving Nicki off. Ellen laughed at the look on Nicki's face as she pretended to toss the toy she had just taken out of India's hand. India sat up straight and used Baby's legs to push up. Nicki handed back over the toy.


"Everybody covered up?" Safaree asked while leaning back to take a look at the boys. "Here, Caleb." 

He reached out for Caleb and turned him to the side. He took the towel and soaped down the blind spots.

"I need more." Sheldon spoke up. He took a quick step toward Safaree when he motioned for him. Safaree spun Sheldon around as he soaped him down covering him from his neck to his feet.

"Feet." He demanded and Sheldon grabbed his arm to hold balance while Safaree swiped at the bottom of his foot.

"It's tickles, daddy."

"It tickle?"

"Yes." Sheldon's laugh got louder as he got his other foot washed. On cue, Caleb lifted a foot and laughed along with Sheldon. Safaree gripped Caleb when he slipped while lifting his other foot.

"Alright, ready?"

"Ready!" Caleb shouted speaking for them both.

Safaree sat the towel to the side and stood up. The boys watched him adjust the shower head then he pointed to a certain spot. Both boys moved up and stood side by side. Safaree stepped back and pulled the shower door up just a little. He snatched a towel off of the towel rack and dropped it on the floor. He kicked at it then leaned back in the shower and turned on the water.

Caleb giggled when the water shot towards his body. Sheldon squealed and turned his back to the water while looking up at Caleb. Safaree laughed at them both move around blinking the water out of their eyes.

"Make sure you turn around. Get all the soap off."

"Next time I ask you to give the boys a bath, why don't you just take them to the backyard with the water hose." Nicki's voice got the attention of all three males in the bathroom.

"We got this." Safaree held a hand out at her before pointing at the boys. "Arms up."

Both boys lifted their arms and the laughs got louder as the water hit their underarms. Safaree looked down as Nicki approached him and leaned into him. He shifted over as she stretched a leg out to scoot the towel up closer to the tub catching the water that wasn't shielded by the shower curtain that was pushed back far enough for Safaree to keep an eye on the boys.
I'm bringing India in here while I fix lunch.” 
Where Sherika?” 
She's not your nanny, Safaree.”
I was just asking.”
 She's my assistant.”

I'm leaving right now. I will not take this treatment.” Sherika's voice came from behind Ellen as she walked pass the door. They both laughed as Sherika's voice transcended as she made her way down the hall.

I know your show is coming on. Send the boys my way. You take India. Fair trade. I got the busy ones.” Nicki stated while backing up as Safaree turned the water off. He held up one of the two towels and picked Sheldon up. He stood him in front of him while sitting on the toilet.

Alright, time to dry off.” Safaree tucked one end of the towel in Sheldon's arm and held the other end out. “Go.”

On cue, Sheldon started laughing as he spun around in circles, tangling himself in the towel. Nicki rolled her eyes at the lazy technique of wrapping them up.

You see this? This is what I have to deal with when I ask him to do something.” Nicki looked over at Ellen who was in the doorway. Nicki stood still for a few seconds and watched them slide around as the water smacked soap off their bodies. Shaking her head, she walked away from the shower. Ellen stepped back and walked into the hallway to follow Nicki.

It's always something."

Ellen laughed. “I've heard that before. So how's lunch? Same schedule everyday?”

Almost.” Nicki answered. “Most of the time, yeah. I start preparing when Faree's show comes on and I'm usually ready by the time he is done watching it unless there's back to back episodes.”

Nicki leaned on her elbow and stared at India sprawled out across her dad's chest. Safaree looked down at India who was staring at her wiggling fingers that rested on his chest. Nicki wanted so badly to capture a photo of the moment but knew that India's nosy way would ruin it as soon as she made any movement. Safaree looked back at the television.

Reaching out, Nicki tapped India's toes to get her attention. India's head stayed in place but she allowed her eyes to dart over. Nicki reached out for her foot again when India's foot moved up, dodging her touch. Nicki reached again but missed as India hiked her leg up higher. Nicki paused and stared at India. She reached out quickly for her foot and giggled when India's leg hiked up higher.

Nicki observed that she wouldn't be able to move it up higher so she reached out and grabbed India's toes. India lifted her head and stared up at Safaree's face.

"Oh what you snitching now?" Nicki grasped her foot and shook it. "He gon do something bout it? Huh, lil funny acting?"

Without warning, Safaree's arm shot out knocking Nicki's arm off balance. Her head hit the bed and she felt a nudge on her side as Safaree pushed her, causing her to roll over. Nicki cut the roll short and turned on her back to see India's head slowly take it's place back on Safaree's chest as she reverted her attention back to her wiggling fingers. Nicki scooted closer and India's head shot up. Once again, she looked up at her dad. Nicki laughed while rolling over on her stomach and throwing up an arm to block Safaree's arm that was headed her way.


Well leave her alone.”

Whatever.” Nicki made a face at India. India slammed her face into Safaree's chest while giggling. She looked up again and slammed her face again when Nicki made another face.

Anyway, the boys want you to play games with them while we have lunch.”

They want you to do it. You just want me to do it.”

You know me so well. Come to me when your little show goes off.” She patted his arm and pushed up on the bed. “Come on, Bug. Let's go play with your brothers until daddy is ready.”

"It's peanut butter jelly time!" Caleb held his hands up then balled his fist and dropped his arms in a boxing stance. He began swaying from left to right while chanting. "Peanut butter jelly. Peanut butter jelly."

Sheldon danced in place while joining in the end of the chant right on cue. "Jelly. Jelly. Jelly."

India stuck a finger in her mouth while holding a wide grin. Her laughed ceased as she turned her attention to the crawling toy puppy. She placed a hand on the puppy's back and whipped her head back towards her brothers when Caleb shouted again.

"It's peanut butter jelly time!"

She pushed up on the puppy and bounced back, landing on her bottom while laughing uncontrollably. She bounced her right hand up and down as the boys sang. She looked over at Nicki laughing at her amusement. Nicki swiped her fingers out of her mouth and India's grin turned into a dropped jaw as Sheldon began clapping. She slammed her hands together. Nicki watched her world come to a stand still as if she had just discovered power in her hands.

Adjusting on the blanket, Nicki rolled on her back and clapped. India peered at her hands until she clapped again. India looked back at her hands and clapped. Claps sounded off in the room as an encouragement and celebration of India's newfound amusement. She began clapping faster and Nicki laughed at her excitement showing as she hopped up bouncing until she crashed into Nicki's breast while laughing.

"You're tickled, bug?" Nicki picked India up and hovered her over her puckered lips. "Can mommy get love?"

She lowered her then lifted her making her fall out in giggles. Puckering her lips, she lowered her again. India reached for Nicki's face then giggled again when Nicki lifted her once again.

"I just wanna love you, mommy. Let me love you." Nicki cooed as she lifted India up and down. "Let me love you, mommy."

She finally lowered India down enough to meet her lips. India's wet grin slammed into Nicki's lips as she clasped her hands on Nicki's face while giving what she thought was a kiss.

"Oh the mommy just got the love. The mommy just got the best love." Nicki cooed while rolling over and smothering India in kisses. A giggling India laid under Nicki laughing louder with every kiss.


"I win." Caleb picked up the three cards and sat them in front of him. Ellen looked around confused as she placed another card down.

"I win." Sheldon spoke while snatching up the cards then putting one down. Caleb sat a card down and looked over at Ellen. Ellen placed a card on top.

"I win." Caleb picked up the cards and dropped a new card. He took his time stacking the cards to the side then turned his attention back to the cards in the center. Sheldon dropped a card and Ellen shrugged before sitting down any card.

"I win." She said while reaching for the cards.

"Let me see!" Caleb reached for her hand. She paused to hold out the cards. "Okay!"

He fell back on his butt and both boys stared at Ellen. She placed a card down and looked over at Nicki who was shaking her head at the made up game.

"What's up?" Safaree walked in the room.

"The boys have your cards again." Nicki announced while leaning her head back as India rested on her chest sleeping. Safaree stood over them watching the game continue with made up rules.


  1. Okay so this was everything!!! The whole thing is perfect, starting with the length. The interview felt like I was actually reading nicki's responses. And I like the idea of ellen staying and observing them first hand. They're little family is too cute and I'm stuck on the fact that after awhile I really thought I was reading a real interview o_o.. I'm pretty sure you know you're a great writer and your stories are always on point and so realistic

  2. Lol the cutest family ever!!!!!! It was hilarious. Dead at me reading this and smiling like its real tho. Lmao at her waking up at the ass crack of dawn! Ellen was like well shit! Wth they playin the card game from big daddy called I win lol! Ellen sitting there playin like wtf. Then they had the nerve to check ha cards to see if she won hilarious!

  3. This was everything !! From start, to finish it was genuine, amusing, and ingenious.

  4. This was mad cute I like the idea of having Ellen come into the house & observe what goes on in their daily routine.. Post soon!

  5. This was truly EVERYTHING! The interview at the beginning to everything else after that was fab!!!! Thanks bewski!

  6. Are u like a fly on the wall in the future? Do you have a time machine??? This was so vivid and adorable. India & Nickis lil bonding at the end was soooooo cute! And the interview was perfect & detailed. LOVED IT LOVED IT!!

  7. I loved every moment of this. You capture everyone's personalities so well and the vivid details make it so real. How do you manage to write lengthy pieces and keep it interesting all the way through? It's always worth the wait with your stories! Ellen was dead on like...well... Ellen. I loved this.

  8. Aaaww look at my favorite fictional family :') lol everything about this was adorable

  9. YOU'RE THE GOAT! Nicki's dialog is always so realistic. Like, i can always picture her saying or doing what you write! Lmao crying @ Munch trying to go on a high speed chase. 😂😂😂 Everything was good!!!!!

  10. crystalminaj_xo: you're the best writer EVERRR omg and you're so descriptive i love it!! this whole story felt so real, please post again!!

  11. This was so freaking cute, from start to finish. I love them, I hope this comes true in the future!

